Seattle Public Schools


Application for New Volunteers

Application for New Volunteers

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Seattle Public Schools! Volunteer opportunities vary by school. We recommend that you complete the following application process after receiving confirmation from a school staff member about your volunteer role. Whether you are a parent, a family member, or a community member, the following resources will help you prepare to volunteer with our students.

Crayon drawing depicting diverse children under a rainbow-colored umbrella.
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Safety First! Only approved volunteers can serve in SPS schools.

SPS serves 50,000 children and youth. We are committed to carefully screening volunteer candidates to ensure student safety as required by law, SPS policies, and the Washington Schools Risk Insurance Pool (our insurance provider).

Learn how to get approved and apply via the online volunteer portal below.

Important: Read First Before Applying!

The volunteer application process varies depending on the type of volunteer. Please carefully read about each type below to determine which application process is right for you.

Category A Volunteers:

  • All school and remote volunteer roles that support the school, staff, or students.
  • This volunteer role can include direct student contact if the volunteer is supervised.
  • District personnel must be on-site and within view if the volunteer will interact with students. Alternatively, another approved adult SPS volunteer must participate in the activity and always be present.
  • Examples: classroom or library assistance, field trip planning, office or recess support, and school newsletter editor.

Category B Volunteers:

  • Can chaperone field trips longer than three days (e.g., Nov. 5 departure and Nov. 8 return)
  • Category B remote/virtual volunteers are matched with remote roles more intentionally, have their references checked specifically for online interactions with children and youth, and are required to follow extra safety protocols.
  • Category B volunteers can also perform all Category A volunteer roles.

Category C Volunteers:

  • All school and remote volunteer roles that involve contact with students without SPS staff or additional approved Category A volunteers present at all times.
  • Additional screening is required for Category C volunteers. Please only apply for Category C if SPS staff specifically requested it.
  • Category C volunteers can also perform all Category A and B volunteer roles.
  • Examples: breakout room facilitator (in a virtual classroom), volunteer facilitating an official school club, one-on-one tutor (remote or at the school), mentor.

To apply to be a Category A, B, or C volunteer:

  1. Follow the Application Process steps listed on this page below.
  2. After you click the application link in step 4, select School Volunteer.
Screenshot of the volunteer application page

Only approved Category A, B, or C School Volunteers can be recruited to serve in field trip chaperone or driver roles. Additional steps and screening are required.

To apply to be a field trip chaperone and/or driver:

  1. Must be at least 21 years old for K-8 field trips and 25 years old for grades 9-12.
  2. Follow the Application Process steps listed on this page below.
  3. After you click the application link in step 4, select School Volunteer.
Screenshot of the volunteer application page
  1. Since field trip chaperones and drivers are entrusted with student supervision responsibilities, they must also learn about safety and understand SPS student supervision guidelines. Check with the field trip organizer and review the Field Trips Procedures page.
Student Volunteers

SPS students who volunteer at schools other than their assigned school are required to complete and submit the district School Volunteer application. The application is also advised if the student is volunteering in their own school to document service-learning hours.

The online application generates a parental agreement section when the applicant is a minor. Please note minors must be supervised by adults when volunteering with SPS students.

To apply to be a student school volunteer:

  1. Follow the Application Process steps listed on this page below.
  2. After you click the application link in step 4, select School Volunteer.
Screenshot of the volunteer application page
Employee Volunteers

Full-time and part-time employees can volunteer their time in roles that are different from their paid work duties and outside their paid time. They must complete the SPS school volunteer application and chaperone guidelines if applicable. Substitute employees must complete the same steps as non-employees to volunteer with SPS (see school volunteer section above).

Additional background checks or proof of completing the Adult Sexual Misconduct Prevention course are not required (already verified by HR). Please apply using your SPS email address for easier identification.

To apply to be an employee school volunteer:

  1. Follow the Application Process steps listed on this page below.
  2. After you click the application link in step 4, select School Volunteer.
Screenshot of the volunteer application page
  1. In the application, please use your SPS email address for easier identification.

Remote Volunteers perform volunteer duties from home, work, or any location other than the classroom, school building, grounds, or any other type of school property.

To apply to be a remote volunteer:

  1. Ask the staff member who recruited you for support to determine if the role will be a Category A or Category B school volunteer (see school volunteer section above).
  2. Follow the Application Process steps listed on this page below.
  3. After you click the application link in step 4, select School Volunteer.
Screenshot of the volunteer application page
One-Time Volunteer Enhancement Projects Volunteers

One-time Volunteer Enhancement Projects volunteers must complete a short Event Volunteer registration in the online Volunteer Portal.

To apply to be a one-time project volunteer:

  1. Follow the Application Process steps listed on this page below.
  2. After you click the application link in step 4, select Event Volunteer.
Screenshot of the volunteer application page
  1. Review more instructions on the Volunteer Enhancement Projects page.
Ongoing Project Volunteers

Volunteers who care for learning gardens or provide other projects support to schools on a regular basis, must be approved as Category A school volunteers (see school volunteers section above).

To apply to be an ongoing project volunteer:

  1. Follow the Application Process steps listed on this page below.
  2. After you click the application link in step 4, select School Volunteer.
Screenshot of the volunteer application page
  1. Review more instructions on the Volunteer Enhancement Projects page.

All Club Sports Coaches are onboarded by the school as Category C school volunteers with extra requirements (CPR & First Aid, Concussion, and Sudden Cardiac Arrest Courses).

To apply to be a Category C school volunteer:

  1. Follow the Application Process steps listed on this page below.
  2. After you click the application link in step 4 below, select School Volunteer.
Screenshot of the volunteer application page
  1. In the application, select the Category C clearance level.
Screenshot of the volunteer application page
  1. Provide copies of CPR and First Aid certificates and proof of completing Concussion and Sudden Cardiac Arrest Courses.
  2. The staff member overseeing the club must ensure the volunteer completes all Category C and coaching requirements and files all paperwork with their Volunteer Program Liaison.

Club sports include:

  • Cheer
  • Cross Country
  • Futsal
  • Lacrosse
  • Ultimate Frisbee
  • Boys Volleyball (high school)
  • Water Polo

Athletic volunteers who work with student-athletes apply directly to the Athletics Department. Do not proceed with the Volunteer Application Process outlined below.

Visit the Athletics Department page for more information.

Athletic sports include:

  • Baseball
  • Basketball
  • Bowling
  • Cross Country
  • Football
  • Golf
  • Gymnastics
  • Soccer
  • Softball (Fast Pitch)
  • Softball (Slow Pitch)
  • Swim & Dive
  • Tennis
  • Track & Field
  • Ultimate Frisbee (Middle School only)
  • Volleyball
  • Wrestling

Volunteer Application Process

Volunteers must submit their applications via the online volunteer portal at least two (2) weeks before the expected volunteer service start date. One month is recommended for overnight field trips.

Once you are approved as a volunteer in the online portal, your application materials will stay active for as long as you volunteer with SPS. Every two years, we will ask whether you would like to stay active and, if so, request your permission to complete a new background check.

Step 1: Online Training – Preventing Sexual Abuse

Nationally, 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys are sexually abused before age 18. Through this course, you will help protect children by learning to recognize and respond to sexual abuse.

  1. Complete the 20-min Adult Sexual Misconduct Prevention training.
  2. Answer test questions during the training and on your volunteer application.

Step 2: Review the Volunteer Handbook

Carefully review our online Volunteer Handbook to learn about laws and policies volunteers are required to follow, volunteer rights, and tips for successful volunteering. 

Step 3: Review Background Check Requirements

When you fill out the volunteer application in the online volunteer portal (step 4), there is a section titled “Determining Your Background Check Type”. Your answers to the questions in that section will determine which background check you need.

Review the Background Checks page to learn more about the different types of background checks and their fees.

Step 4: Apply via Online Volunteer Portal

Volunteer applications are processed in the online volunteer portal. Every year SPS volunteers save 14 trees by completing and/or updating their applications online. Thank you! 

If you experience problems creating your volunteer application in the volunteer portal, visit our volunteer portal guide for tips.

If you have questions about your application or background check, call the school office or email the school volunteer program liaison.

Step 5: School Approval

To ensure student safety, every school is required to approve volunteer applicants before they can sign up for their first volunteer shift. If a volunteer selected more than one school on their application, they must go through the following steps at every school separately.

  1. If your dashboard in the volunteer portal lists your status as “Eligible,” your school can now review your application.
  2. If your volunteer application did not include the following, please provide them to your school volunteer program liaison in person or via email:
    • Government-issued photo ID
    • Proof of 3-year residency in Washington State (needed only if you did not complete the national background check and your Washington State ID was issued less than 3 years ago).
      • Examples: older/expired WA State ID, lease agreement, utility bill, bank records, school records. Make sure this document was issued at least three years ago and features your full name and a Washington State address. If your child has attended SPS for over three years, office staff may be able to use your child’s school registration records (not all staff have access to them). 
  3. The school volunteer program liaison will verify:
    • You provided a complete answer to the Adult Sexual Misconduct Prevention course question on the application (three sentences).
    • You selected the correct background check level and clearance category.
    • Your name, DOB, and likeness match those on your photo ID.
  4. The school volunteer program liaison will add your name to the Approved Volunteers List for their school.

If you have questions about your application or background check, call the school office or email the school volunteer program liaison.

Step 6: Orientation and Training

Each school is expected to provide an orientation that orients new volunteers to the school building and school community, as well as expectations for volunteers.